Wyoming Ride Initiative


Park County School District 6

[May 3, Riverton, WY] – The Wyoming RIDE initiative, short for Reimagining and Innovating the Delivery of Education, continues to gain momentum as educators across the state pioneer new approaches to teaching and learning. Park County School District 6 (PCSD6) has emerged as a leader in this movement, presenting their groundbreaking methods at the forefront of education innovation. In a recent celebration of learning, professional educators from Park County School District 6 unveiled their innovative approach to instruction delivery, emphasizing project-based and inquiry-based learning methodologies. These educators showcased their commitment to providing engaging and effective learning experiences for students while fostering a culture of creativity and critical thinking.

One of the highlights of Park 6’s presentation was the development of cross-curricular learning PODs (Project-Oriented Domains) at the high school level. These PODs integrate various subjects, allowing students to explore real-world problems and challenges through a multidisciplinary lens. By breaking down traditional subject silos, Park 6 aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

“We are thrilled to share our innovative approach to education delivery through the Wyoming RIDE initiative,” said Vernon Orndorff, Proud Superintendent of Park County School District 6. “

At Park 6, we are committed to empowering our students to become lifelong learners and critical thinkers. Our focus on integrating the science of teaching with the art of teaching enhances project-based learning and cross-curricular PODs and reflects our dedication to providing students with meaningful and relevant learning experiences that prepare them for success in college, career, and beyond.”

The Wyoming RIDE initiative aims to support and showcase innovative practices in education across the state, fostering collaboration and sharing best practices among educators. Park County School District 6’s presentation is a testament to the dedication and creativity of Wyoming educators in reimagining the future of education. For more information about the Wyoming RIDE initiative and Park County School District 6’s innovative approach to education delivery, please visit https://governor.wyo.gov/ride or www.park6.org. You may also contact Madison Jackson at PCSD 6.

Contact: Madison Jackson, Assistant Superintendent & Curriculum Administrative Assistant  |  madisonjackson@park6.org. |  307-587-4283  |  www.park6.org